
2 nov. 2017

Riverdale S1 | Episode 3 !

*This post contains spoilers*

Previously on Riverdale

Rich, popular Jason was killed. Veronica is the new girl that is supposed to disturb the lives of the other characters. In only two episodes she managed to kiss Archie and betray Betty but don't be fooled she came here to have a fresh start and become a better person.
Oh and Cheryl, Jason's twin admitted she was guilty at the end of the episode 2. Isn't that exciting ?

Episode 3

The Best Sister Ever

Spoilet alert  : She's not guilty of the murder but of her "lies" but she couldn't just say "I lied" or there wouldn't have been a cliffhanger. You see, Jason wasn't suposed to die, he was only supposed to fake his death because he couldn't just run away like a normal teenager and of course his loving and supporting twin had to help him.

But who would fake his death in that outfit ? Where is his traveling bag ?

+1 Jughead

Betty and Jughead (I'm still not used to that name) are going to work together on the school paper to investigate Jason's murder. Do you smell that ? I think they're going to be together. Don't ask me if I ship them, I'm not to that point with this show.

But hey look at this ! The way he's sitting and eating an ice-cream is a nice reference to L from Death Note. Good job, show.

Lying is Bad

Bad boy Archie was caught lying by his father and he's now grounded. He has to come home at 7pm everyday. That actually made me laugh because when I was in high school I would come home everyday before 7pm without being grounded. And now I'm realizing my high school life was boring, thanks Riverdale.
Maybe when his father will find out about his relationship with his music teacher he'll have to come home before 6. Savage.

I liked Archie a little better in this episode. I love how passionate he is about his music (no pun intended) and I think he makes a good team with the Pussycats. Although I'd like to see more of them I don't like the leader of the band. Okay music is her life but she doesn't have to be that condescending.


Veronica went on a date with a jock, Chuck - whose family can be compared to the Kennedys - and was slut-shamed the day after.

After confronting Chuck who doesn't appologize for what he did, she and Betty want to take matters on their on hands and decide to make him pay.

I thought it was a good idea to talk about slut-shaming but unfortunately the whole thing was shallow. They didn't have a real conversation about it. We see characters embodying two opposite opinions without knowing why they think the way they do.

Time To Cringe !

Cheryl comes into a room full of girls who have been slut-shamed and call them "slut" after saying that "boys will be boys" as if that excused everything.
Veronica put her back in place because of the slut thing but they didn't have a conversation about the rest. Cheryl was initially convinced that her brother had nothing to do with it but it doesn't explain why she thinks this type of behavior is okay.

During their investigation, they discover that some jocks from the team have what they call a "Book of Conquest" where they write down who they dated and how many points that give them. Jason wrote his name and the name of Betty's sister, Polly, in it.
Cheryl is disappointed  so it proves that she actually doesn't think this is okay so why saying "boys will be boys" in the first place ?
I think I should stop trying to understand her.

Betty is Crazy

What the heck ? So apparenty Jason hurt Betty's sister, Polly. We don't know exactly what he did and Polly has been sent away in a hospital because of her mental health I think... I'm not sure.

Anyway, Betty wore a wig and a very sexy outfit to lure Chuck into their trap. And when I thought this couldn't get weirder she said something like « tell me Jason. Tell me why you hurt me ! ».

Do you know that feeling when you watch something so embarassing you start to feel embarassed ? Well, that's what happened when I watched that scene. I wanted to dig a hole for Betty to hide in.

Veronica and Betty force Chuck into confessing that nothing actually happened between them but I don't see how it's relevant. So what if they had sex together ? Would that make it okay to do what he did ?

In the end of the episode, Chuck get suspended and kicked out of the team. I personally think everyone who wrote in that disgusting book should be expelled.

To Sum Up ...

- Don't try to fake your death
- Slut-shaming is bad
- Cheryl doesn't make any sense
- Hide wigs from Betty

4 commentaires:

  1. Cheryl is definitely better if you don't try to understand her lol?She doesn't make a lot of sense. But when she and Betty and the others team up I DO like them together as a group. :)

    "Hide wigs from Betty" lol. They've hinted at a darker turn for Betty this season...?

    1. "Cheryl is definitely better if you don't try to understand her" LOL I love it.

      At this point I think I'm going to suspect everyone who wears wigs haha
